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Text File | 1993-01-13 | 7.7 KB | 132 lines | [TEXT/EDIT] |
- January 1993 Issue
- Happy New Year to all. It’s a new year, a new beginning, and a time when we can
- look back over the last year, hopefully, learning from our experience. Looking
- forward, we can set new goals and make new plans for the coming 12 months. In
- keeping with that theme, I would like to start this months edition of Jems with the
- first in a series of articles from my upcoming new book – “Handbook To A Happier
- Life.” I hope you enjoy this issue and I am looking forward to bringing you another
- year of “Jems.” And . . .Remember To Commit To C.A.N.I (constant and never–
- ending improvement)
- The Beginning
- Acceptance! Now there’s a tough one. This seems to be a major stumbling block in
- our personal growth. Acceptance is an important first step and cannot be
- overlooked if we are to achieve true happiness and live our lives to the fullest.
- Before any change can take place, we must first accept our present
- circumstances. Whether it be our personal relationships, physical health, our
- emotional and spiritual lives, or our businesses, any change we wish to make
- begins with an acceptance of who we are and where we are at this moment! There
- is a simple exercise to assist you in this process. If you owned a grocery store and
- wanted to know the state of your business, you would take an inventory. You would
- count all the merchandise and separate the saleable, quality items from those you
- wanted to eliminate from your store. In the same fashion, if you want to learn
- about yourself, take a personal inventory. Get a piece of paper and list everything
- about yourself – your present physical condition, what you like and what you want
- to change; your relationships, the good as well as the not so good. Be sure to
- include your emotional wellness and your work situation. Is your job fulfilling?
- Are there some conditions you want to change? What do you like about your
- present career?
- One note of caution – we have a tendency to list only the “bad” and not the things
- we like about ourselves. The purpose of this exercise is not to beat ourselves up.
- Rather, it is to obtain a clear picture of our present condition and gain an
- understanding of what parts of our lives we want to change. This is a critical step
- toward implementing the changes that will make us happier people. The more
- detail you can include, the better. Next month: Taking Responsibility & The
- Willingness to Change.
- Penguin Pete’s Potpourri
- How To Get Rich
- Invest with more realistic goals but for a longer period of time. A penny invested at
- just 2% from the day Jesus was born would today be worth 198 trillion dollars!
- Time Flies When You’re Having Fun
- In the seventeenth century, it took Johannes Kepler 4 years to calculate the orbit of
- Mars. Today, a computer’s microprocessor can do it in 4 seconds flat.
- Who Are We Feeding Anyway?
- According to Diet For A New America by John Robbins, the amount of
- U.S.cropland producing livestock feed is 64% while only 2% is used for producing
- fruits and vegetables.
- Stop Fighting With The Tape
- If you’ve ever tried to find the end of scotch tape and spent time fighting with the
- roll, you’ll like this suggestion from my partner, Georgia. Fasten a paper clip
- under the exposed end. The tape will stick to it and you will be able to easily find
- the end of the roll the next time you need it.
- Stress Busting Winners
- The top three stress busters according to a Roper poll are:1. Watching TV (75%),
- 2. Talking on the phone (66%), and 3. Shopping (60%). Remember that when the
- going gets tough, the tough go shopping!
- “If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they
- should be. Now put the foundations under them”
- Henry David Thoreau
- Business Tips
- Lessons Are Everywhere
- Last issue, I wrote about using questions to become more focused about the
- benefits of our business and how we could better serve our customers.
- Recently, while Christmas shopping (I do it on weekday mornings and call it
- market research) I had the opportunity to listen to an exchange between a sales
- person and several customers. What transpired was a useful lesson of how a
- carefully phrased question can make the difference between making or losing a
- sale.
- The sales person, a pleasant and friendly young man, was asking people if they
- wanted to join a membership club. The people I overheard all said no! It became
- clear to me that had he rephrased the question he would have had better results.
- He could have asked “Would you like to learn about a way to save money on your
- purchases?” This was the benefit to the customer. By joining the club, they would
- receive an automatic discount on merchandise. Unfortunately, they did not know
- this. All they heard was that he wanted them to join something. While most people
- may not be interested in joining, they are interested in saving money.
- Think about how you could use this lesson in your own business. What questions
- could you ask that would reflect the benefit of your business to your customer?
- Personal Development – Physical Health
- All Lights Are Not Created Equal
- Lately, a lot has been written about using fluorescent lighting to save energy.
- While I am totally in favor of saving energy, let’s not do it at the expense of our
- own well being. One of my frustrations for many years has been the lack of
- knowledge people have about the health dangers associated with fluorescent
- lighting.
- Studies have shown that fluorescent lighting is a major cause of migraine
- headaches and cataracts and, in the workplace, contributes to a loss in
- productivity, lower morale, and higher absenteeism. For years, “full spectrum”
- lights have been available. These lights are balanced to produce a light that is
- closer to sunlight. Remember sunlight? That is what we used for lighting before
- we had sealed buildings.
- A recent study reported in the American Journal of Epidemiology cites Canadian
- research that links exposure to the ultraviolet rays from fluorescents to a higher
- rate of skin cancer! How much more evidence do we need to get rid of fluorescents?
- Consider the fact that in pet stores, snakes are kept under full spectrum lighting
- because if they are left under ordinary fluorescents they will die! We are pleased to
- announce the availability of full spectrum lighting products, directly from us, at
- competitive prices. For more information, please call us at (718) 967–3064. You and
- your employees deserve better conditions.
- Personal Development – Mental Health
- What Have You Done This Year?
- Now is the time of year when everyone is making New Year’s resolutions (and
- promptly breaking them). Making resolutions is a good idea, especially if you have
- the intent to carry them out. Goal setting even takes this idea a step further.
- However, another suggestion that can help is to list your accomplishments since
- the beginning of last year. Take a sheet of paper, or better yet, a journal (the one
- you used for the goal setting exercises you did previously. You did them, right?)
- and write down all the things you accomplished during the past year. If you
- started a new job, read a book, reached some of your goals, helped other people, or
- any other things you have done this year. Don’t overlook the seemingly small
- accomplishments. These count as well. You can be sure that if they were things
- you did wrong you would count them, so why not give yourself some credit when it
- is due. Doing this exercise will give you a chance to pat yourself on the back for
- your recent accomplishments and also serve as a starting point for setting your
- new goals for this coming year.
- Best wishes and Go For It!
- Please send your comments, suggestions, or questions to:
- Jim’s Jems • P.O. Box 080157 • Staten Island, N.Y. 10308
- Fax: (718) 967–3442 • Compuserve: 71141,1331 • America On Line: Jim D34 ©1993,
- Bovan Associates, All Rights Reserved